There is also an astro 25 cps version for the xts2500 and xts5000. The most interoperable radio of its class, the xts 5000 radio is incredibly versatile and is designed for missioncritical project 25 users. Motorola xts 3000 cps software free download motorola. Furthermore, the purchase of motorola products shall not be deemed to grant either directly or by implication, estoppel. Motorola cps rss, other software, firmware, upgrades, hacks, patches, licenses, etc. I i have software for the xts3000 5000 feel free to keep emailing me guys. Motorola software update tool is easy to use, fast, convenient, and secure. Specification sheet astro xts 3000 digital portable radio. When it comes up, just enter the quantity and clicked add to cart.
And, i have a uhf xts3000 that i can read the codeplug just fine with this same software cablepc arrangement. Accordingly, any ed motorola computer programs contained in the motorola products described in this manual may not be copied, reproduced, modified, reverseengineered, or distributed in any manner without theexpress written permission of motorola. Programming rib box kit for motorola radios as rln4008. Motorola xts 3000 cps software campbell prediction system emxsys cps v. Flashport upgrade kit contains upgrade software, flashkey, and upgrade documentation. Cps for cp040, cp140, cp160, cp180, cm140, cm160 r02. If you have an xts5000 that you want to program, you need a different version of cps, and that version cant program xts3000s. Baofeng uv5r vhfuhf analog portable twoway radio black. I used windows 7 and used windows device managerports to see what com port. Motorola xts 3000 cps software free downloads 2000 shareware periodically updates software information and pricing of motorola xts 3000 cps software from the publisher, so some information may be slightly outofdate.
Motorola, xts 3000, privateline, digital privateline, call alert, mdc. Flashport makes it possible to add software that drives the radios capabilities both at the time of purchase and later on. Need motorola xts5000 programing software hamfiles. Include prepaid return shipping label or we will add charges to final invoice.
Clp series cps is an application that allows configuration of supported devices. Rvn4182 astro saberxts3000 cps cancelled rvn4183 astro spectra cps cancelled rvn4184 astro saberxts3000astro spectra available for purchase. The astro digital xts 3000 radio utilizes motorola s revolutionary flashport technology. Downside the radio does need to be programmed my a dealer, or by using expensive cps software. Motorola software update can preserve your data in two.
Motorola xts 3000 cps software free download motorola xts. Premier dealer for kenwood, icom, motorola, blackbox and vertex standard two way radios, headsets, and accessories at discounted price. Motorola xts3000, xts3500, xts5000 impres batteries recondition themselves automatically. For example, the astro saber and xts3000 use the same version of cps, which is order number rvn4182v the v is the current revision number of this version of the software. Rvn4182v is the part number for astro saber and xts3000 cps. This is an astro imaging app, which can use images captured from cameras. Free motorola xts3000 cps software download software at updatestar 1,746,000 recognized programs 5,228,000 known versions software news. Group is the following list showing what is the currently part numbers and version of software for many of motorola s most popular radios. Cps for professional series gp320340360380, gm340360380 r03. Be sure to use genuine motorola hardware and software when programming your radio. I have the cps programming software but i am wondering specifically if the uhf software can drop as low is 440. Motorola astro performs digital voice transmission for use by federal, stateprovince and local public safety agencies in north america to enable them to communicate with other agencies and. Cps software used to program our tdfm60060007000 series of fm transceivers. Start the xts3000 software on your computer select the band you wish to program by pushing the band knob on the front of the radio read the radio band frequency file and save.
It was initially added to our database on 01162014. I had read online that moto radios are normally detected as a usb ethernet adapter. There are also other versions of cps for newer radios available on ebay so do some research before you buy programming software. All you need is a pc, access to the internet, and a usb cable.
Enhanced spectrum utilization and seamless integration deliver a clear, crisp signal, even in congested urban areas or dispersed rural regions. I i have software for the xts30005000 feel free to keep emailing me guys. Cps software its self loads fine, i can load a plug into and modify it fine as well. R34165g motorolas commercial, government and industrial solutions. Motorola cps programming software xts5000 xtl5000 xts2500. Many forums devoted to radio things have banned all talk of how to get the software except for the legitimate purchase described above. Digital xts 3000 model ii portable radio quickreference card write your radios programmed features on the dotted line. Electronics free delivery possible on eligible purchases. Ive had xts3000s astro sabers, jedis, stxs, mts etc, but this is just the best. Momentarily press the monitor button and listen for voice activity. Motorola xts 3000 cps software synccell for motorola v.
Flashport software upgrades \ astro digital xts3000. Since the xts radios are astro capable, you may want to look at the astro portable page click here to see the programming cable schematic if you want to take these radios out of band, see the out of band information on the astro saber page. Its motorola s newest maximum performance twoway radio that is equipped to meet your demands. To obtain motorola software see the sticky in the motorola forum. This package has the part number of rvn4182, covering the portables, xts3000 and astro saber. Motorola rkn4105a usb programming cable genuine oem xts5000 xts2500 pr1500. The use of a non motorola programming aid may damage your radio. However whenever i hook my radio up and hit read it errors with 1687 unable to detect applicable devices. Flashport aftermarket software is used to upgrade to the latest version of your system enhancement software package, to upgrade to a different system enhancement software package, or to order enhancements for existing astro xts 3000 radios in the field.
Motorola cps software for motorola business class radios. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Free motorola xts3000 cps software download motorola. Motorola astro xts 3000 service manual pdf download. View and download motorola basic xts 3000 user manual online. The top of the line xts 5000 portable radio is ready and equipped to meet the needs of demanding environments. We dont sell software or cables, but you can buy most of these by calling motorola directly at 8008140601. List of motorola programming software part numbers. The name of the program executable file is astroport. Expert programming scan, mdc id calling, button and switch feature options 16 channels for all motorola models. Xts 5000 digital portable radio motorola solutions.
Id love to repost the astro software for download, but since its still for sale, doing so would be defrauding moto of revenue. To download this software right click and select save link as or similar verbiage. New radios supported xtl 1500 and xtl 2500 mobile radios are now supported in this release. R34165g motorola s commercial, government and industrial solutions. Im about to purchase a motorola xts3000 iii uhf and a xts3000 iii vhf. It is a motorola xts 3000 vhf model iii h09kdh9pw7an. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. The most popular versions of this product among our users are. The package deal, carrying both of the above titles, is rvn4184. Motorola, xts 3000, flashport and the stylized m logo are registered in the u. Motorola xts 3000 programming problems i am trying to program my motorola xts 3000, and each time i click read radio, it gives me a communication with radio failed message. The astro digital xts 3000 radio utilizes motorolas revolutionary flashport technology. On mol, go to search catalog and enter the appropriate part number.
Motorola astro performs digital voice transmission for use by federal, stateprovince and local public safety agencies in north america to enable them to communicate with other agencies and mutual aid response teams in emergencies. The quickest way to find something on this page is to use your browsers page search usually ctrl+f. The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online i. Since the xts radios are astro capable, you may want to look at the astro portable page. Free motorola xts3000 software download download motorola. Rvn4182 astro saber xts3000 cps cancelled rvn4183 astro spectra cps cancelled rvn4184 astro saber xts3000 astro spectra available for purchase. If you want to take these radios out of band, see the out of band information on the astro saber page. Rvn4184 astro saber xts3000 astro spectra available for purchase. Previously, changing a radios features and capabilities meant significant modifications, or buying a new radio.
It was initially added to our database on 12062007. Decrypt motorola rss archive files for gp300p110, change the model and sn in decrypted file. Current slide 1 of 4 best selling in walkie talkies, twoway radios. Then write, in the space provided below the appropriate switch or button on. Valley enterprises radio programming cable for motorola.
Since elb has an active policy of cooperating with law enforcement, i would presume the same applies here. This is about the astro saber and xts3000 which are basically the same radio. Retevis rt22 two way radio uhf 16 ch vox walkie talkies. It assures highquality communication through a robust design that stands up to the most demanding environments. You should confirm all information before relying on it. Buy valley enterprises radio programming cable for motorola ht, mts2000, xts3000. The only legit way to get the software is the three year subscription via a motorola online account. Add margins, borders, descriptions, watermarks, and more to your photos. The most popular version of this product among our users is 3. One mouseclick puts your appointments, meetings, and other data on your razr or other motorola cellular phone.
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